Spring On The Shore

The ocean knows
In its coldness
The lonely walkers
Along its shore
Less as the season's
Wind grows warmer
As its force fades
In the seasonal transition
When winter dies

The walkers' solitude is
Now among many
Who frequent the shore
Where the spring sun
Is open and bright
That is their blanket
Of warmth
Against the breeze over
The sea
Lingering in spring's
New birth

circa 03.90
published 04.15.90 in the Sunday Eagle-Tribune


Word Catalyst Magazine said...

Ah, I love the ocean. Your words make me long to walk the beach. If it ever gets warm enough! It has been one long winter. I really love this poem. It sounds like we're both nature lovers too!

Anonymous said...

very good imagery. What do you mean you can't hold a candle to mine? There are fantabulous!