Sinning to the Loss

To break the oath of truth
You might think that it's okay
Sinning to gain what you seek
While still pushing someone else away.

You will covet something from the greed
And the gluttony and theft as well.
But in the end you can never win
As to answer at the gates of hell.

Even envy will leave you with nothing.
Resentment you'll trap in a jar.
And neither will gain you the points
Except rust that will tarnish your heart.

©Kerri L. Stanley

Language Barriers

You think you have it figured out,
Holding your heart in your hands,
Tossing misinterpreted words about.

You hide behind your self imposed clout,
Choosing to deny where you will stand,
And remain anonymous amid the shouts

Of your passive aggressive doubt,
Among others who are in your camp,
Who know not what your real fight is about.

Your reasons you will to them not allow,
Because it is your weapon and only clamp
To be able to justify why and how

You can cut one down and cause a fallout,
Because they refuse to want to understand
Your manipulation of the truth then or now.

You think you have it figured out,
Ready to snap like a rubber band,
But thinking you've hidden your self doubt
Behind transparent words choking in your mouth

©Kerri L. Stanley