Better Than Us

You don't think that I see it,

The assessment that you make,
Sizing up my child to your perfect one,
To see just where he will rate.

To your cliques and next door neighbors,
You'll decide he's not worthy to fit in.
So you'll deem him less superior,
And hope you won't have to disinvite him again.

You were always the type to label and judge
Those who were misfits in your school.
Now you continue the behavior with your own,
Knowingly teaching them to be just as cruel.

My child is no stranger to the facts;
It's one of those hard life lessons to learn.
But you will never shatter his self worth,
And your respect will never be earned.

Don't try to pretend that they may be occasional friends.
Don't think you can charm with your fake smile.
It's haters like you who harden this world,
Especially the short distance between a few miles.

Keep feeding your ego with falsehoods,
And believing good things to you will abound.
We won't try to force our way into your posse;
It's why we live on the other side of town.

©Kerri L. Stanley