A Seat at The Table

You know they're not really your friends,
People who you thought would be there til the end.
Everyone is busy, too much going on.
Before you know it, you realize you don't belong.
That winding road has seen its share of collisions
Marked by life's reality of your personal provisions.

And you keep setting the table for everyone
Thinking a reunion will retie the bond.
But that seat remains empty again,
Still holding fast to what you've missed for so long.

They would just brag about their perfect families
And how wonderful their kids are doing.
You don't have to lie about your own tragedies,
Or compare their successes to your ruins.

Because you stopped setting the table for everyone
Knowing that they've long since moved on.
It's time to replace them with new friends
Who know that road that you still travel on.


© Kerri. L. Stanley

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